The real story on DPI race
How can it be a surprise to anyone that WEAC is spending money independently to help re-elect Libby Burmaster as superintendent of public instruction?
Somehow, that became a page 1 Journal Sentinel story, even though WEAC , the state teachers union, has been involved in DPI races as long as anyone can remember, and has spent similar amounts on media to help its endorsed candidate in the past.
The real news is that the usual suspects on the other side, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Realtors, school choicers and others, are NOT spending money to try to help their candidate, Gregg Underheim.
That is a sure sign they have given up on Underheim's candidacy. It's over.
UPDATE: A reader reminds me that it's not just the WMC and other right-leaning "independent" groups who have bailed on Underheim. The Wisconsin Republican Party, which recruited Underheim to run and even hired felons to collect nomination papers to get him on the ballot, is MIA, too. Scott Jensen announced on TV awhile back that the DPI race would be THE test campaign for the GOP message on property taxes and education. Well, the party is spending tens of thousands of dollars on radio the week before the election -- but not for Underheim. It's going for ads about photo ID for voters. Underheim, meanwhile, is being hung out to dry.