Monday, July 18, 2005

Is it the Jessica syndrome?

There's some debate about whether Jessica Simpson is really as ditzy as she presents herself, or whether it's a persona she has adopted.

Then there is Jessica McBride. She defends Scott Walker's taxpayer-paid Harley ride by saying:
Democratic pundits would have you believe Scott Walker's Harley Ride was only about political gain in the Wisconsin gubernatorial race (yes, they're still talking about it in recent columns). But the ride also stopped in Rockford, Ill., and St. Paul, Mn.
She's in the media business, and hubby Paul Bucher is running a statewide campaign to try to be AG, so it is hard to believe Jessica doesn't know that Rockford's television market covers Rock County in Wisconsin, and that Minneapolis-St. Paul TV is the only network TV most western Wisconsin voters get. The Twin Cities market includes seven Wisconsin counties and about 6% of Wisconsin voters. The only market Walker missed was Duluth, MN, which covers Superior and six surrounding counties in Wisconsin. Maybe next trip.

You can see the route mapped out on her blog, McBride Media Matters. So, what do you think? Is she just playing dumb?


At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything Ms. McBride says or writes these days has to evaluated about its effect on the AG campaign being conducted by her husband, Paul Bucher, the Waukesha County DA. McBride will do anything to help create and move forward a strong Republican ticket and carry her husband to victory over the incumbent, Peg Lautenschlager. That means McBride's activities as a journalist, blogger, pundit, commentator or gossip are secondary to her role as Mrs. Paul Bucher, political wife.

If that sounds unfairly mean or Machiavellian, remember that when Jessica was The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's crime reporter, there already was an established, older Mrs. Paul Bucher, mother of four, who got maneuvered to the curb.

When McBride as an agenda, things happen.

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think Bill Christofferson has no agenda? C'mon. You've also got your facts wrong. Hmmmm, an agenda perhaps?


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