Thursday, October 20, 2005

Polls on AG race should encourage Falk

Suddenly there are polls galore on the attorney general's race.

A WisPolitics poll shows AG Peg Lautenschlager in a dead heat with GOP challenger J.B. Van Hollen and only a couple of points ahead of the other Republican, Waukesha DA Paul Bucher.

The same poll shows Dane County Exec Kathleen Falk beating either Bucher or Van Hollen.

Lautenschlager's campaign says it has its own poll and guess what? She's leading both Republican candidates and is ahead of Falk in a primary, too. (She didn't release any actual polling data, just said she's ahead of everybody.)

The Bucher campaign has its own poll, too, and guess who's ahead in that one? Right, Paul Bucher. Actually, it has him a little ahead of Lautenschlager and a little behind Falk, (both results within the margin of error), but shows Van Hollen doing worse against both Dems.

Poor Van Hollen, caught poll-less, is left to put out a news release, citing the WisPolitics poll as evidence he has a better chance that Bucher does to beat Lautenschlager.

What does it all mean? It's bad news for Lautenschlager, but no surprise. She could do the Dems a big favor by deciding she will voluntarily be a one-term AG, but seems in denial about how much trouble she's in and insists she is in the race to stay.

It's time that Kathleen Falk takes Lautenschlager at her word, quits hoping against hope that Peg will see the light and step aside, and gets into the race. No Democrats want a divisive primary, but no Democrats want a Republican AG either, and that is where we seem to be headed if Lautenschlager is the nominee.

P. S. --An earlier post, Beware of candidates bearing polls, may be helpful in sorting some of this out.


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