Friday, February 17, 2006

Safe? Economical? Who cares? More nukes!

State. Sen Tom Reynolds, R-Mars, wants nuclear power in Wisconsin, by gum, and he doesn't care whether it's safe or economical. Gretchen Schuldt reports on the StoryHill website:
State Sen. Tom Reynolds is supporting a bill that would eliminate the requirement that safe waste disposal sites for the state's high-level nuclear waste be found before a new nuclear power plant can be approved by the Public Service Commission.

The bill also would eliminate the requirement that the PSC must find that the proposed plant, in comparison with feasible alternatives, is economically advantageous to ratepayers.
Wisconsin's current law, passed about 25 years ago, was intended to make sure there would be a safe way to dispose of deadly, high-level nuclear waste before approving any plants that would produce more of it.

The stuff is so toxic it needs to be kept out of the environment for 250,000 years. Despite assurances that a solution is just around the corner, 25 more years have passed with no solution to the waste problem.

Reynolds isn't alone in his zeal to start building nukes. Glenn Grothman, Scott Jensen and a number of prominent Repubs are also on the bill. If it ever passes, Gov. Jim Doyle will veto it.


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