Saturday, March 18, 2006

Tax and Spend Republicans

Republicans have held control of the White House for nearly 5 and half years and have controlled Congress now going on 12.

So how do Republicans balance YOUR checkbook?

Since, Bush took office with the help of a GOP Congress, the national debt has grown $2.5 trillion...that's trillion with a big T, as Bush has requested to increase the limit four times during his tenure-- boosts of $450 billion in 2002, a record $984 billion in 2003 and $800 billion in 2004.

When Mr Bush took office he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus. Bill Clinton, his predecessor, had used budget surpluses to pay down some of the national debt in his last two years in office while Bush has spent like a drunken cowboy. The budget deficit for this year and next will be $350 billion.

So who has Bush and the GOP Congress put our children and grandchildren in debt to? Foreign governments. Japan is the biggest creditor, at $668 billion. China, the second-biggest, recently increased its stake by $40 billion to $263 billion.

So the Bush legacy looks more and more like one that is defined by having future generations give foreign countries their hard earned tax dollars to pay off today's tax cuts for the wealthy.


At 11:38 AM, Blogger XOut said...

Oh cool, its the 20th. Bye Harris.


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