Sunday, March 12, 2006

Top Cop or Top Hypocrite

No word from "top-cop" wanna-be Paul Bucher on the Jensen conviction. One has to wonder if Bucher was the DA in charge of this case, would he have pursued it. And if he was Attorney General would he have gone after Jensen? Probably not on both counts.

Bucher has no comment on what the MJS today called "a stunning picture of a GOP election and re-election machine paid for by taxpayers." You have to wonder if Bucher has what it takes to be the state's attorney general and really believes no one is above the law.

It's pretty clear that Bucher's wife was rooting for Jensen to beat the charges and wanted to see Jensen walk. It would be a pretty sad day if we had an attorney general who felt the same way.

Now that it has been proven and a jury has decided that state taxpayers were paying for the political campaigns of the GOP Assembly you would expect that Bucher might show some outrage. After all, he made a big deal about Kathleen Falk having one staffer take a leave to work on her campaign for one month. leave where she was not funded by taxpayers but by Falks campaign. Falk reimbursed the county for the staffers health care costs. On the other hand, not one Assembly member who used taxpayer funded campaign staff has re-imbursed the state one penny for using taxpayer funded staffers to work on their campaigns. Not even one penny for staffers who were shown to not take leaves for their campaign work.

Can we expect that Bucher will call for GOP assembly members to start reimbursing the state for the taxpayer funded health care costs of their campaign workers? Don't bet on it. But it might be worth a flagrant act of journalism to ask.


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