Friday, April 07, 2006

Some (limited) Republican soul-searching

There's a fascinating discussion on the Playground Politics blog about the direction of the Wisconsin Republican party.

It's the kind of discussion you are unlikely to hear if you live in southeastern Wisconsin,listen to Republican radio, and read the right-wing blogs.

The Recess Supervisor, whoever that is,throws a one-two punch.

The first takes on suburban bloggers who bemoan the loss of Scott Walker as a candidate and paint Mark Green as a RINO (Republican in Name Only):
Southeast Wisconsin represents the vocal fringe of the Republican Party. It surely doesn't represent where this party needs to be if it has any hope of being in a position to win statewide races.
The second expands on that theme, in light of the Waukesha mayor's race upset, examines what a move to the right would mean in swing legislative districts, and concludes:
Jessica [McBride] seems to believe that the answer to Republican difficulties, at least in Nischke's case, is for Republicans to be more conservative. That's fine. She's a smart woman and is entitled to her opinion. I'm certain she's not alone in that belief.

I'm just here to remind those of you that agree with her that "more conservative" will almost certainly mean "fast track to the minority" in the state legislature. So be careful what you wish for. You might get it, only to find out that it sucks.
Using the same logic as Republicans who think the Waukesha loss was because the Journal Sentinel endorsed the Republican, I endorse the Recess Supervisor's views. That means the wingnuts -- who can't agree with me under any circumstances -- will have no choice but to follow their leaders right off the edge of the earth, which they all know is flat.

UPDATE: Rick Esenberg says damn the politicians, full speed ahead.


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