Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kotex king has led a charmed life

A puff piece on Rep. F. Jim Sensenbrenner in the Chicago Tribune begins:
BROWN DEER, Wis. -- Rep. James Sensenbrenner has been more richly blessed than most.

The Wisconsin Republican was born into a wealthy family; his great-grandfather was a founder of Kimberly-Clark Corp. "He invented Kotex, by the way," Sensenbrenner says, matter-of-factly.

As a young congressman, he escaped death by jumping from his blazing home's second floor, which left him burned and with a bad back, but alive.

He once won a $250,000 D.C. Lottery prize after buying a ticket during a beer run.

Then, of course, for nearly six years he's been one of the nation's most important lawmakers as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

But now it is an open question whether the 62-year-old Sensenbrenner's good fortune will continue with congressional approval of the House-passed, enforcement-only immigration bill he wrote. At the moment, the outlook doesn't appear good.
If he's going to mention Kotex, he should at least use his quip about how it helped his political career that Grandpa called them Kotex instead of Sensenbrenners. It may be the only funny thing he's ever said.


At 4:53 AM, Blogger grumps said...

I think it was Ann Richards who said of GHW Bush, "Poor Georgie. He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple."

Sounds like Flatigious Jim has the same disorder.


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