Friday, October 20, 2006

WMC's October surprise

The Journal Sentinel recently asked, apparently rhetorically, Which suitor would be business' best match?

There's even been talk that Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce was sitting out the governor's race.

Welcome to reality and WMC's October surprise

The message -- which Democrats should take to heart and remember for more than a week -- is that no matter what efforts they make to reach out and try to work with groups like WMC, they are Republicans at heart and will screw you in the end.

I think we'll see a different approach in Doyle's second term. I hope so.

As I was saying ... Today's JS profile on Doyle, second paragraph:
He signed almost all bills that the Republican-leaning state chamber of commerce, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, pushed through the Legislature. He pushed a job creation package of regulatory reforms for businesses wanting to expand or move to Wisconsin. He wanted nothing to do with a task force that suggested raising the sales tax in exchange for a new school-aid formula.
And Paddy Mac got the WMC memo on vetoes.


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