Thursday, October 20, 2005

In California, two losers avoid each other

W and Arnold are feuding over a Bush visit to raise money in California three weeks before the Governator's special referendum on several items he likes to call "reform."

The Gov has declined to join the Pres at the Reagan library, raising the question of which would be hurt worse by standing next to the other.

The LA Times reports:

A statewide poll last month by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California showed that the president and governor are about equally unpopular in the state. Their job ratings among likely voters: Bush, 38% approval, 60% disapproval; Schwarzenegger, 38%-55%.

They're so unpopular you'd have to tie T-bones around their necks to get the dogs to play with them. If you put the two of them next to each other, the combined negative energy could create a black hole and suck in every Republican in the vicinity. Not that there would be anything wrong with that.


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