Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Tom DeLay mug shot

From Hotline on Call:


In nationalized midterm elections, images matter. (Remember the juxtaposition of Sen. Max Cleland and Osama Bin Laden?)

Republicans in Congress -- even those who love and respect Rep. Tom DeLay -- realize that his appearance before a judge tomorrow in Texas will be accompanied by the standard accoutrements of criminal procedure, including a mug shot.

Even if DeLay is acquitted, it will be hard for Republicans to stomach the mug shot and it will be harder for Democrats not to overuse the picture in campaigns.

So the damage to DeLay's chances are re-assuming the post of majority leader are, in the eyes of even some of his allies, not too high. [MARC AMBINDER]
Two questions: What would constitute overuse? Will we see any Scott Jensen mugshots in next year's campaign?

UPDATE: Here it is, above, courtesy of Smoking Gun, and it's quite disappointing. No numbers, no height markers, no "Police Department" or any other identifiers to make it a mug shot. Maybe next time he's arrested we'll get a better one.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...


Let's do the height markers, ID board, and Police Department scene--for both Jimbo "Bagman" Doyle AND Tom "No Wasted Money Here" DeLay.

Fair's fair.


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