Thursday, February 02, 2006

McBucher has Hillary on her mind at 4:33 am?

Poor Paul Bucher.

His wife is up at 4:33 AM blogging about Hillary Clinton?

Should I laugh or cry? I guess I was wrong, I really thought they were connected at the head.

Don't know about you but if I'm thinking about Hillary Clinton at 4:33 AM that is a message that there is something seriously wrong with my love life.

State of the Union

Pretty tacky of Hillary to stand up and clap when the President mentioned that Congress didn't pass his social security plan.

posted by Jessica McBride at 4:33:00 AM


At 12:36 PM, Blogger TPDN said...

Now Harris Kane and Hillary are both tacky. Congratulations.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

That's a cheap shot. Worse than tacky. But I am beginning to expect that from the Left.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger citydem said...

I am a lefty and I think it's tacky. Harris leave the attacks on marriages to the right wing defenders of marriage.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger citydem said...

Harris you misspelled "marraige". It's marriage. Even Sykes knows that.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Chris said...

who would have thought someone would make us long to have Xoff back been a sorry week of posts here hell half the time these cowards dont even have their comments enabled say what you will about Xoff he was willing to take the shat we were going to throw at him. Unlike most of his guests

At 11:57 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

Funny you should post about Steinbrink.

I believe Steinbrink is lying through his teeth about "threats" to his life and have stated so on my blog publicly.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Chris is an idiot; Marquette4290, same question applies to you; getitright, are you the breastfeeder;citydem, the word "marriage" was misstyped; ragnar mentaire, wash up so those flys stay off your head.

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Chris said...

better to be an idiot then a lefty asshat ;P

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Jimmy said...

Man this blog post just got 10,000x better.


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